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본문 바로가기 주메뉴 바로가기

Contributing to the improvement of citizens’ quality of lives and Seoul’s community welfare.

Domestic and International Exchange Projects


Domestic and International Exchange Projects

We identify global welfare trends through international exchange, and lay the foundation for the development of welfare networks to engage in long-term cooperative exchange. In addition, we benchmark and develop policies that can be applied to Seoul in order to raise the welfare status of Seoul to the global level. Domestically, we reinforce interaction between welfare foundations in different cities and provinces. In addition, through cooperation and interaction with the Korea Welfare Decentralization Council to discuss and respond to welfare issues in local communities, we seek to address welfare issues that Korea is facing in a proactive manner.

Participation in international institutions and associations

We host and participate in international promotion activities, information exchange activities, and international conferences (events) by maintaining interaction and cooperation with international social welfare institutions and associations to stay up to date with the latest global trends and to activate international communication.

  • ICSW International Council on Social Welfare

    Establishment of information exchange and cooperation networks with regard to international welfare trends

  • IFSW International Federation of Social Workers

    Reinforcement of solidarity and cooperation between social workers all around the world

International Academic Forum

We hold international academic forums inviting famous scholars from all around the world in order to review the direction of global projects that the foundation plan to execute, and explore the vision and mission of welfare models optimized for Seoul. Thus far, international forums have been held on a range of topics designed to improve the welfare of citizens including certification programs, asset building projects, social investment models for poverty prevention, ubiquitous welfare systems, research on the level of happiness in major cities throughout the world, village creation, and many others.

  • 2019.06 Held Korea-US-Japan welfare policy and administration case study workshop
  • 2018.06 Held Korea-US-Japan welfare policy and administration case study workshop
  • 2018.05 Held forum to compare the establishment of inclusive local community care systems in Korea and Japan jointly with Nihon Fukushi University
  • 2017.06 Held Portland State University researcher Seoul City welfare policy and administration case study project
  • 2016.06 Held the 4th Joint World Conference on Social Work
  • 2014.09 Held the Korea-Japan Joint Local Welfare Forum with Nihon Fukushi University
  • 2013.09 Commemorative ceremony and international forum for the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the foundation (direction and strategy of public-private cooperation for vitalization of village-oriented welfare)
  • 2012.10 Organization of the local community for sustainable welfare system
  • 2011.12 Social welfare administration in large cities in Asia
  • 2010.10 Poverty policies in the age of global economic crisis
  • 2009.10 The hope of poverty escape: Welfare models and asset building projects optimized for Seoul
  • 2008.11 Establishment of community-centered digital welfare system
  • 2007.11 Social investment model and development methods for poverty prevention
  • 2006.09 Methods to maximize the new Seoul, and aging society happiness index
  • 2005.09 International forum commemorating the 1st anniversary of the foundation (implementation methods for social welfare certification system for welfare advancement)
  • 2004.07 Foundation ceremony and international forum (The shift in the social welfare paradigm in the 21C and the response)

Korea-US-Japan welfare policy and administration case study workshop

The workshop project is designed to introduce welfare policies and administrations in Seoul to graduate students from Korea, the United States, and Japan by examining the related facilities, organizations, and institutions to help them identify the current status of the welfare system in Seoul, and to share current welfare policies in Korea, the United States, and Japan.

Korea Welfare Decentralization Council

Established on December 23, 2007 in order to facilitate interaction and cooperation between welfare institutions (foundations) in metropolitan cities and provinces, and to contribute to the development of local municipalities as well as improvement of regional welfare systems through joint discussions and response to local welfare issues. Discussions centered on welfare related issues that local communities are facing through active cooperation and interaction with Seoul Welfare Foundation, Gyeonggi Welfare Foundation, Gyeongbuk Welfare Foundation, Daejeon Welfare Foundation, Busan Welfare Development Center, Jeonam Welfare Foundation, Chungcheongnamdo Women's Policy Development Center through joint workshops and joint research, and others.